Our system is the best system to sale management rights,
Every body you know should know that you are part of the SIRE Team and selling management rights now, so you can start to get leads as soon as possible.
The SIRE Team has lots of listings and buyers and
Together Each Achieve More!
Every body you know should know that you are part of the SIRE Team and selling management rights now, so you can start to get leads as soon as possible.
The SIRE Team has lots of listings and buyers and
Together Each Achieve More!
Set up computerised personal master database using SIRE's built in database systems with your personal tracking link. Click Play to watch to learn more. Any questions please call Jessica Dong 0404 331 310.
Enter everyone of your contacts including your solicitor, accountant, bank manager, friend,relative, sellers, buyers, any people you met in onsite managers event, social situations, church, association, shopping centres, foundation etc below.
They can be kept contacted by SIRE's Email Newsletters and Monthly Event. once entered into your personal database. Check Out Our Previous Monthly Event By visit our youtube channel.
Enter everyone of your contacts including your solicitor, accountant, bank manager, friend,relative, sellers, buyers, any people you met in onsite managers event, social situations, church, association, shopping centres, foundation etc below.
They can be kept contacted by SIRE's Email Newsletters and Monthly Event. once entered into your personal database. Check Out Our Previous Monthly Event By visit our youtube channel.
Your goal is to enter at least 1 good contact per day.
Visit Complexes documents
Download The IM Form Below. Consistency is very important, Make sure you have all of the following with you:
1. Folder Contain: Business Card, Seller Testimonials, Workshop Image, Listings meet clients requirements (download below)
2. "The Management Rights Formula", They can buy the book transfer the money to company account, once paid you can drop off to them so you can visit again, click on the link below http://www.siremanagementrights.com.au/2020.html
3. Your tracking link look like this page, enter their name, email and phone number to register under your name http://www.siremanagementrights.com.au/free-chapter-8.html
4. IM Download below and print out, fill it out as you talking to the manager if possible after a few visits (Email to [email protected]) once done)
5. Use your phone to take a few 20 seconds short videos of the complex, (pool, bbq, drive way etc with complex name (Email to [email protected]) once done
6. Lable the video with manager unit number and address of the building while email to the office
7. If the manager is not in the office, call the number you can find to meeting while you are there so you can exchange business cards
8. Format of the email sending
Subject line : Manager Unit, Complex Address
Content: Manager contact details
Attachment: Complex Videos, Manager business card photo both side
9. Next training is on how to put the contacts in the system on the 17 Sep 2020 and following up process and procedures
Important: Commission rate is Negotiable, NEVER, NEVER quote commission rate prior IM and profit and loss statement is received.
im_blank_for_vendor_to_fill_in.doc |
seller_testimonial_flyer_3.pdf |
workshop_flyer_2.pdf |
listings_for_folder.docx |