Management Rights For Sale Brisbane: Permanent
ID: 250314
Inner City : $1,939,220.00
Listing Status :
ExclusiveNet Income: $372,927.74 Body Corporate Salary: $147,007.32 Complex location: Inner City Complex age: 8 Years Complex feature: Swimming Pool No requirement to buy manager's unit No requirement to live on site Office exclusive use Office hours: NIL Letting rights Agreement Term: 22 years Units in letting pool: 97 SIRE Management Rights is delighted to offer you this great permanent letting management rights it is easy to manage with very little caretaking duties. There is no requirement to buy a manager's unit, so the return is higher than average. Please download a copy of the confidentiality agreement and email it back to us so we can arrange a inspection for you. Or call us on 0404 331 310 for more information. ![]()