To Login Go to
In the YOUR ACCOUNT section at the very top of the page, enter your email address and password.
If you don’t know your password, click Forgot Password and complete the form to have it emailed to you.
If you have trouble logging in, call your manager.
To Create A Listing Once logged in, click the ADD NEW LISTING option in the YOUR ACCOUNT section at the very top of the page.
A form will appear with a series of questions relating to your listing. Complete the form. Some questions will be mandatory, some will be optional. Each question will have popup instructions beside it that explain what sort of information you should provide. Take care completing this form to ensure the information is correctly formatted as per the instructions as invalid listings won’t be advertised.
When you have finished your listing, there will be a pause while the system saves the listing and uploads the photos. This is normal, just be patient and leave the site running until the listing confirms it has saved.
Within 15 minutes you will receive an email from the website. These emails are very important, make sure you always read them. The email will tell you if your listing was successfully posted to and the other websites, and tell you the listing’s ID… or if there were validation issues that need to be fixed. If there were validation issues, you’ll need to go back and update your listing for correct these. See the next section on Updating Listings.
To Update A Listing Once logged in, click the UPDATE MY LISTINGS option in the YOUR ACCOUNT section at the very top of the page.
You will be presented with a list of every listing you have in our database. The active ones will be in colour, the inactive ones will be greyed out. Inactive listings will be visible to you, but will not be visible to the general public on any website.
From this list, select the listing you want to update by clicking on it. The listing will then load. At the top of the listing just above its headline will be 3 buttons. Click the one marked UPDATE THIS LISTING. This will put the listing into ‘edit mode’.
Edit Mode allows you to view and change the properties of the listing. You can change any property that is in a text field. Take care not to enter any invalid information in any of the fields or the listing will not be updated on third party websites.
When you are happy with your changes, scroll to the bottom of the listing and click SAVE LISTING. This will save your changes.
Within 15 minutes you will receive an email from the website. These emails are very important, make sure you always read them. The email will tell you if your updates were successfully posted to and the other websites, and tell you the listing’s ID… or if there were validation issues that need to be fixed. If there were validation issues, you’ll need to go back and update your listing for correct these. Call our office if you need help with this.
Common Mistakes The Inspection Times field is a killer. The date/time formatting has to be absolutely perfect else the entire listing will be invalid and won’t be advertised. If you are not completely confident you can enter the date format EXACTLY as per the instructions on-screen, leave this field blank.
Reordering the photography is not possible in Mozilla Firefox. It has a bug. Use Internet Explorer or Google Chrome.
Unit Numbers are not included in your listings. This is to protect you from outside agents poaching your letting pool and to avoid selling your owner data to RP Data which they do without our permission. Don’t attempt to add unit numbers to your address, simply set the Reference if you want to identify units.
Rules There’s a few basic rules that are very strictly enforced by as to what is acceptable to add to your listings and what isn’t. We didn’t make up the rules – but we need to enforce them for the security of all our onsite mangers. Please take a moment to read over these rules to ensure you comply. If your listings don’t comply, we will suspend them without warning – this may seem harsh but if QA department finds your listing before we do, they suspend all our managers – so it’s very important rules are adhered to:
Rule 1: Contact Name displayed on your listings. This is to be YOUR NAME. ie: your first name, your last name. No other information is acceptable in this field. Not your complex name, not your job title, not your phone number, not your location and definitely not your business name... Simply your First Name and Last Name – one person – one name. This person MUST be licensed.
Acceptable: “John Smith”
Unacceptable: “John Smith, Onsite Manager”
Unacceptable “John Smith – Bowen Hills”
Unacceptable “The Manager”
Unacceptable “John and Kathy Smith”
Unacceptable “John Smith – Harbour City Apartments”
Rule 2: Multi Listings; Each listing has to represent a SINGLE property. You can’t create a single listing for 4-5 different apartments. You can’t say “We’ve got a bunch of units, call me with exact availability”. 1 listing, per listing.
Unacceptable “2 Bedroom: $450 / week, 3 Bedroom $550 / week. Our vacancies change often so just call us for availability.”
Rule 3: Property Description field: This is your ad wording. Use it to describe the listing and only the listing. You must not put your name in here, you must not put your phone number in here, you must not put your email address in here, you must not put your job title in here. You must not tell people to check out your website you must absolutely under no circumstances put your business name in here. Describe the listing only, nothing else.
Unacceptable: “To view Forrest Park Apartments today, please call John Smith on 3948 3838”
Unacceptable: “Inspections can be booked with Forrest Park Managers Pty Ltd”
Unacceptable: “To make an application, go to”
Follow the rules, and all will be well. If in doubt, call our office to discuss.
In the YOUR ACCOUNT section at the very top of the page, enter your email address and password.
If you don’t know your password, click Forgot Password and complete the form to have it emailed to you.
If you have trouble logging in, call your manager.
To Create A Listing Once logged in, click the ADD NEW LISTING option in the YOUR ACCOUNT section at the very top of the page.
A form will appear with a series of questions relating to your listing. Complete the form. Some questions will be mandatory, some will be optional. Each question will have popup instructions beside it that explain what sort of information you should provide. Take care completing this form to ensure the information is correctly formatted as per the instructions as invalid listings won’t be advertised.
When you have finished your listing, there will be a pause while the system saves the listing and uploads the photos. This is normal, just be patient and leave the site running until the listing confirms it has saved.
Within 15 minutes you will receive an email from the website. These emails are very important, make sure you always read them. The email will tell you if your listing was successfully posted to and the other websites, and tell you the listing’s ID… or if there were validation issues that need to be fixed. If there were validation issues, you’ll need to go back and update your listing for correct these. See the next section on Updating Listings.
To Update A Listing Once logged in, click the UPDATE MY LISTINGS option in the YOUR ACCOUNT section at the very top of the page.
You will be presented with a list of every listing you have in our database. The active ones will be in colour, the inactive ones will be greyed out. Inactive listings will be visible to you, but will not be visible to the general public on any website.
From this list, select the listing you want to update by clicking on it. The listing will then load. At the top of the listing just above its headline will be 3 buttons. Click the one marked UPDATE THIS LISTING. This will put the listing into ‘edit mode’.
Edit Mode allows you to view and change the properties of the listing. You can change any property that is in a text field. Take care not to enter any invalid information in any of the fields or the listing will not be updated on third party websites.
When you are happy with your changes, scroll to the bottom of the listing and click SAVE LISTING. This will save your changes.
Within 15 minutes you will receive an email from the website. These emails are very important, make sure you always read them. The email will tell you if your updates were successfully posted to and the other websites, and tell you the listing’s ID… or if there were validation issues that need to be fixed. If there were validation issues, you’ll need to go back and update your listing for correct these. Call our office if you need help with this.
Common Mistakes The Inspection Times field is a killer. The date/time formatting has to be absolutely perfect else the entire listing will be invalid and won’t be advertised. If you are not completely confident you can enter the date format EXACTLY as per the instructions on-screen, leave this field blank.
Reordering the photography is not possible in Mozilla Firefox. It has a bug. Use Internet Explorer or Google Chrome.
Unit Numbers are not included in your listings. This is to protect you from outside agents poaching your letting pool and to avoid selling your owner data to RP Data which they do without our permission. Don’t attempt to add unit numbers to your address, simply set the Reference if you want to identify units.
Rules There’s a few basic rules that are very strictly enforced by as to what is acceptable to add to your listings and what isn’t. We didn’t make up the rules – but we need to enforce them for the security of all our onsite mangers. Please take a moment to read over these rules to ensure you comply. If your listings don’t comply, we will suspend them without warning – this may seem harsh but if QA department finds your listing before we do, they suspend all our managers – so it’s very important rules are adhered to:
Rule 1: Contact Name displayed on your listings. This is to be YOUR NAME. ie: your first name, your last name. No other information is acceptable in this field. Not your complex name, not your job title, not your phone number, not your location and definitely not your business name... Simply your First Name and Last Name – one person – one name. This person MUST be licensed.
Acceptable: “John Smith”
Unacceptable: “John Smith, Onsite Manager”
Unacceptable “John Smith – Bowen Hills”
Unacceptable “The Manager”
Unacceptable “John and Kathy Smith”
Unacceptable “John Smith – Harbour City Apartments”
Rule 2: Multi Listings; Each listing has to represent a SINGLE property. You can’t create a single listing for 4-5 different apartments. You can’t say “We’ve got a bunch of units, call me with exact availability”. 1 listing, per listing.
Unacceptable “2 Bedroom: $450 / week, 3 Bedroom $550 / week. Our vacancies change often so just call us for availability.”
Rule 3: Property Description field: This is your ad wording. Use it to describe the listing and only the listing. You must not put your name in here, you must not put your phone number in here, you must not put your email address in here, you must not put your job title in here. You must not tell people to check out your website you must absolutely under no circumstances put your business name in here. Describe the listing only, nothing else.
Unacceptable: “To view Forrest Park Apartments today, please call John Smith on 3948 3838”
Unacceptable: “Inspections can be booked with Forrest Park Managers Pty Ltd”
Unacceptable: “To make an application, go to”
Follow the rules, and all will be well. If in doubt, call our office to discuss.